Blog: Media

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IGP 10th Anniversary


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Global Solutions Summit: Towards a new understanding of prosperity – measurement and reporting


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Measuring Prosperity in a Green Economy


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Professor Henrietta Moore Gives Evidence to the Environmental Audit Committee


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Must we choose between Levelling-Up and Net Zero?


Tax reform and Green universal basic services could help both level-up the country and build a more sustainable, resilient and inclusive economy, argues Dame Professor Henrietta Moore of the Institute for Global Prosperity...

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Why a new definition of prosperity and radical ideas are needed to build back better post-pandemic and how to achieve this


Using GDP alone to determine prosperity is inadequate and misleading, leading policy makers to draw faulty conclusions about levels of prosperity and appropriate interventions. But this new index is based on the theory that by sharing knowledge and trying radical new approaches, more innovative policy options that are targeted to specific local communities and effective at improving quality of life will open up...

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Henrietta Moore: The new unitary authorities should be outriders for further devolution


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"The 5 Evils" preventing prosperity


Professor Henrietta L. Moore reveals which are "The 5 Evils" that will prevent people from prospering in the 21st Century to get a successful post COVID recovery.

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Panel Discussion: Rebuilding Macroeconomics after the Pandemic


Financial Crisis, nationalism and COVID-19 are all socio-economic pandemics in the last decade. Each one starts in a small corner of our world, then spreads across continents in a very short space of time. Each one is a surprise, and each one catches us unprepared. If we are to be prepared for the next pandemic or crisis, we need a different approach to economics.

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Post-Covid Live 5: Farming the Future


Post-Covid Live addresses the nature of society, the kind of government and the form of economy we will need and want after the crisis. It is no longer possible to endorse the market as the primary mechanism for creating value and solving problems.

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Post-Covid Live 4: Cascading the Positive


Post-Covid Live addresses the nature of society, the kind of government and the form of economy we will need and want after the crisis. It is no longer possible to endorse the market as the primary mechanism for creating value and solving problems.

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Post-Covid Live 3: Everybody counts


Post-Covid Live addresses the nature of society, the kind of government and the form of economy we will need and want after the crisis. It is no longer possible to endorse the market as the primary mechanism for creating value and solving problems.

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Post-Covid Live 2: Energizing the Exit


Post-Covid Live addresses the nature of society, the kind of government and the form of economy we will need and want after the crisis. It is no longer possible to endorse the market as the primary mechanism for creating value and solving problems. What kind of values will guarantee quality of life for all and how will they be created and defended? How will the major challenges of our times be tackled - the ones we cannot quarantine ourselves from - climate change, social inequality, food waste, mass displacement?

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Post-Covid Live 1: Whatever it takes


Post-Covid Live addresses the nature of society, the kind of government and the form of economy we will need and want after the crisis. It is no longer possible to endorse the market as the primary mechanism for creating value and solving problems. What kind of values will guarantee quality of life for all and how will they be created and defended? How will the major challenges of our times be tackled - the ones we cannot quarantine ourselves from - climate change, social inequality, food waste, mass displacement?

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Professor Henrietta Moore appointed to Expert Advisory Panel of the landmark Dasgupta Review


Professor Henrietta Moore has been appointed as an expert advisory panel member to the independent, global biodiversity Dasgupta Review

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Professor Henrietta L. Moore speaks on Mary Douglas FBA for British Academy podcast Great Thinkers


Professor Henrietta L. Moore joins Professor Richard Fardon on the British Academy podcast, Great Thinkers, to discuss eminent British social anthropologist Mary Douglas

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What is Prosperity for Africa?


On 6 December 2018, Prof. Henrietta Moore delivered the 2018 Stephen Ellis Annual Lecture titled ‘What is prosperity for Africa?’

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New Institutions of Globalisation? Professor Henrietta Moore speaks at Rebuilding Macroeconomics


Professor Henrietta Moore recently spoke at a workshop hosted by Rethinking Macroeconomics called The Institutions of Globalisation: Globalisation Hub Workshop Summary

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‘My Perfect Country’: Australia – Has it Cracked the Solution to Curb Smoking?


Today, smoking is the leading cause of preventable death. It leads to around six million deaths per year, and trends show that will rise to more than eight million by 2030.

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‘My Perfect Country’: The Debate


In this episode, the panel hear the voices, opinions and criticisms of the World Service audience. Together, they debate how the perfect country is shaping up.

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‘My Perfect Country’: Shanghai – A Model for Teaching Maths


In Shanghai, students are better at maths than anywhere else in the world. According to the OECD’s Programme for International Student Assessment, Shanghai maths students are three years ahead of the PISA average. That means a 15-year-old in Shanghai is better at maths than most 18-year-olds in the UK. And, 55% of students are considered ‘top performers’.

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‘My Perfect Country’: Tunisia – State Feminism


Tunisia comes under the spotlight, because it is rewriting the rules about what women can and can’t do in an Islamic country. Should it be a role model for its Muslim neighbours?

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‘My Perfect Country’: Japan – Gun Control


Gun control is a policy that fiercely divides nations – on the one hand there are the countries that enshrine the use of guns – while a host of others seek to eliminate them from society.

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‘My Perfect Country’: Bermuda – Solving Water Scarcity


The solution to the world’s water scarcity problem could lie in the tiny, remote island of Bermuda. The island has battled water saving problems since its colonisation as it has no natural water resources – and therefore no natural pure water. It relies on one source alone – rain water.

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‘My Perfect Country’: Peru – Cutting Poverty


How has Peru cut its poverty rate in half in just ten years? Building on decades of economic growth, a policy of inclusive economics has meant many of the poorest in the country have shared in the prosperitycreated by the boom.

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‘My Perfect Country’: UN Debate


In a radio first, the World Service programme which analyses ground-breaking global policies, is part of a sitting session of the UN’s Economic and Social Council and includes contributions from some of the 58 delegate countries.

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It's All Academic Case Study: Professor Henrietta L. Moore


Professor Henrietta Moore talks about her work as Head of the Institute of Global Prosperity and how philanthropy plays a vital role in her work.

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Professor Henrietta Moore helps to launch the UCL Campaign


On Thursday 15 September, Professor Henrietta Moore joined a panel of world-class academics for the launch of the new UCL Campaign.

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Guardian Sustainable Business Awards 2016


Professor Henrietta Moore talks about her role on the judging panel at the Guardian Sustainable Business Awards 2016.

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'My Perfect Country': Uganda


The sixth episode of the BBC World Service programme 'My Perfect Country' looks at how communities in Uganda have revolutionised the justice system by taking matters into their own hands.

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'My Perfect Country': India


The fifth episode of 'My Perfect Country' (BBC World Service, 3 March 2016) examines India’s pioneering work on sanitation for women. With stories from the native workers who are inventing simple systems alongside active campaigning, she follows the changing attitudes towards women’s rights and their wellbeing. Our local reporter explores the corridors of universities to hear the young women who are putting themselves in charge of their own future – and whether those in charge of inspiring change nationwide are taking note.

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‘My Perfect Country’: Mental healthcare in Michigan, USA


The fourth episode of the BBC World Service ‘My Perfect Country’-series looks at Michigan, USA, and its ground-breaking mental healthcare service

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Why glaciers don't like the smell of frying bacon


Many communities around the world think of landscapes, plants, rocks, winds, non-human ancestors and a variety of physical phenomena, beings and entities as having consciousness and intentionality. Should we be using these ideas to regain our respect and sense of wonder about our planet?

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My Perfect Country: Portugal


In this third episode of the BBC World Service series 'My Perfect Country' (first broadcasted on 18 February 2016) the search for solutions to society’s problems continues with a look at the world of legalised drug policy created in Portugal.

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My Perfect Country: Costa Rica


In 2007 the government announced Costa Rica would be the first carbon-neutral country by 2021 – a race that includes Iceland, Norway and New Zealand. In 2015 this small Central American republic achieved another environmental milestone by generating all its electricity using 99% renewable energy. Do Costa Rica's green credentials make it a contender for the perfect country policy pile?

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My Perfect Country: Estonia


In this compelling new six-part series UCL Institute for Global Prosperity (IGP) team up with BBC World Service to build the 'perfect country'. The series is presented by broadcaster and writer Fi Glove, Martha Lane Fox and Director of UCL IGP Professor Henrietta Moore.

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Henrietta Moore at 'Reimagine London' Conference


Henrietta Moore speaks about a new way of thinking at the 'Reimagine London' Conference.

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BBC Radio 4 - Thinking Allowed: Moral Relativism


Listen to this discussion between Henrietta L. Moore, Laurie Taylor, Steven Lukes and Conor Gearty of the relationship of culture and morality in the debate on a universal notion of human rights.

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Individual Identity and Cultural Relativism


In this British Council interview Henrietta L. Moore discusses the potential benefits and limitations of cultural relativism. What are the potential benefits and limitations of cultural relativism? How can psychoanalytic approaches enhance and enrich understanding? What is the impact of culture and technology on individual identity?

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Modern Erotics and the Quest for Intimacy


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BBC Radio 4 - Thinking Allowed: Obesity


In this BBC Radio 4 Thinking Allowed Programme Henrietta L. Moore discusses the cultural history of obesity with Laurie Taylor and Sander L. Gilman. (Broadcasted on: 08 October 2008)

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BBC Radio 4 - Thinking Allowed: World Dress


Henrietta L. Moore discusses the world domination of the western business suit with Laurie Taylor and Robert Ross. (broadcasted on 16 July 2008)

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The Last Resistance - Jacqueline Rose in discussion with Henrietta L. Moore and Stephen Frosh


Jacqueline Rose discusses her book "The Last Resistance" with Henrietta L. Moore and Stephen Frosh. "The Last Resistance" explores the power of writing to create and transform our political lives and examines the role of literature in the Zionist imagination.

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