Imagining a welfare state that supports secure livelihoods

Secure Livelihoods Report

'The scale of today’s crisis of inequalities makes clear that genuine welfare reform needs to be grounded in a different perspective, one based on values. A values-based approach means designing a social security system that recognises the importance of flexibility, trust, relationships, and social solidarity in enabling people to live flourishing lives.'

Published: Tuesday 30 March, 2021

The pandemic has clearly exposed the inability of our existing welfare system to provide people with an adequate safety net to navigate times of crisis. The significant rise in food poverty, debt and extreme financial vulnerability caused by the pandemic is clear evidence of this. The failure of the welfare state has been compounded by an economic system that creates economic insecurity, in-work poverty and job precarity.

Working in partnership, Camden Council and the IGP have brought together deep understanding of the people and place of Camden and expert policy thinking to test what it could look like to bring the values and principles of UBS to life at a local level.

Read the report here

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